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Esperidi Park Hotel, Castelvetrano

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Esperidi Park Hotel is a modern international facility characterised by a classic style seen with contemporary eyes. The hotel is in Castelvetrano, in the heart of the vivid Western Sicily, and is dipped into a large orangegrove, a few steps far from the biggest European archaeological park and across from the Mediterranean Sea, cradle of the greatest civilisations and cultures.

Esperidi Park Hotel is a new facility made of materials like marbles, mosaics, leather and wood essences joined in aesthetic and colour solutions creating dynamic and vivid atmospheres.

Lines are sober and have a strong design. Entering the hall you get a sensation of airy freshness and apparent simplicity, painstakingly hiding a nearly maniacal attention to details, the plain geometry of interiors, vases of fresh flowers and bowls filled with oranges stimulating your view and smell, by pushing the visitors to a soft and scented world.

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Esperidi Park Hotel, S.S. 115 - Castelvetrano

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